Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer has been long established as the principal method to monitor dynamic protein-protein interactions in living cells. However the application of BRET is in general hampered by its limited dynamic range due to the poor spectral separation of donor and acceptor. In this webinar we introduce NanoBRET™ using a donor/accpetor combination consisting of NanoLuc™ luciferase and Halotag® labeling technology. This webcast will highlight the performance of the NanoLuc® BRET Assay from Promega on the new CLARIOstar® multi-mode microplate reader from BMG LABTECH. Among many other great features, the CLARIOstar® has a revolutionary new type of LVF Monochromator™ that has adjustable bandwidths from 8 to 100 nm.
Webinar: Enhanced Protein-Protein Interactions in Living Cells Using the NanoBRET Assay & CLARIOstar Play