HiScript III U+ One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit is particularly intended for qPCRs that directly use RNA (e.g. virus RNA) as a template. The pipetting procedures and the risk of contamination are minimized by using gene-specific primers (GSPs) as the reverse transcription and qPCR are finished in one tube. The probe kit comprises a dUTP/UDG system that prevents the contamination of the PCR product.
At room temperature, heat-labile UDG quickly eliminates the contamination of dU-containing products. The sensitivity and efficiency of qRT-PCR remain unaffected when the kit is inactivated at 55 ℃.
The superior performance of hot-start Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase and HiScript III Reverse Transcriptase is combined with an improved buffering system so that the detection sensitivity of HiScript III U+ One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit can attain 0.1 pg of total RNA or less than 10 copies of RNA templates with higher thermal stability.
HiScript III U+ One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit is available in Master Mix. The 5 × One Step U+ Mix comprises dNTP/dUTP Mix and an optimized buffer and is thus appropriate for high-specificity detection systems based on fluorescence-labeled probes (e.g. TaqMan).
Product features
- Better storage conditions
- Improved sensitive amplification, ideal for DNA and RNA templates
- Enables quick procedures and ideal for fast reactions
- More stable amplification curve with low concentration template
Product advantages
- Ideal for multiple qPCR
- Improved detection sensitivity
- Better storage stability
- Compatible fast program
- dUTP/UDG anti-contamination system
- Even amplification of high and low template concentrations
The kit is ideal for detecting various RNA nucleic acids of plants, microorganisms (viruses, etc.) and animals.
- One Step U+ Enzyme Mix has a high concentration of glycerol. Hence, centrifuge briefly and mix gently prior to use.
- RNase-free tips and EP tubes can be used for avoiding contamination