Essen Bioscience is a Sartorius brand.
In this exclusive webcast of our workshop held at IMMUNOLOGY 2017™ in Washington, D.C., learn how to add real-time visualization and analysis of immune cell cultures to your in vitro assay toolkit for immunology research. The IncuCyte® Live-Cell Analysis System continuously analyzes cell activity within your incubator, providing insights into the complex and dynamic cellular processes of immunology.
Unlike traditional approaches, which are mostly endpoint, invasive, and labor intensive, the IncuCyte reagents, protocols, and high-throughput-enabled assays are kinetic, simple, and cell sparing—ready to complement your current assay and cell biology workflows. This workshop will showcase real-time, live-cell assays for immune cell activation, proliferation, chemotaxis, transendothelial migration, immune cell killing, and phagocytosis.

Speaker: Daniel Appledorn
Director of Biology Essen BioScience
Dan is the Director of US Biology R&D at Essen BioScience. Dan joined Essen in the fall of 2010 and is leading a team of scientists to develop new applications, biological reagents and instruments for drug discovery with a focus on building assays for quantitative live cell analysis using the IncuCyte system.
Prior to joining Essen, Dan was a postdoctoral research fellow at Michigan State University where his primary focus was investigating the interaction between adenovirus vectors and the innate and adaptive immune systems in mouse models with the goal of developing gene therapy and/or vaccine vectors for the treatment of human disease. Over the course of his 4 year postdoc, Dan’s pioneering work in this field resulted in several patents and 20+ publications describing the utility of Ad vectors in both gene therapy and vaccine platforms.
Prior to his postdoctoral research, Dan earned his PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from Michigan State University while investigating the role of H-Ras and the two small Rho-GTPases, Rac1 and Cdc42, in the malignant transformation of human fibroblasts.