Life Science White Papers


Life Science White Papers are in-depth articles aimed to educate and inform site visitors interested in life science research. Some of these papers are derived from sources where we have existing commercial relationships. Such articles are clearly labelled as sponsored content and are only accepted when the content is deemed to add value to the core editorial ethos of News Medical.

A critical target for chronic gastrointestinal disorders: Integrin 4/7 (LPAM-1)

A critical target for chronic gastrointestinal disorders: Integrin 4/7 (LPAM-1)

The importance of quantitation in protein purification and expression optimization

The importance of quantitation in protein purification and expression optimization

The importance of small molecule analysis through BLI

The importance of small molecule analysis through BLI

Accelerating antibody discovery through next-generation biolayer interferometry (BLI)

Accelerating antibody discovery through next-generation biolayer interferometry (BLI)

Using BLI for viral and lipid-based vector analytics

Using BLI for viral and lipid-based vector analytics

Accurate AAV titer determination in upstream and downstream samples

Accurate AAV titer determination in upstream and downstream samples

The benefits of using BLI for binding kinetics measurements

The benefits of using BLI for binding kinetics measurements

Understanding the importance of binding kinetics

Understanding the importance of binding kinetics

Understanding biomolecular interaction analysis

Understanding biomolecular interaction analysis

Why adeno-associated virus processes need high sensitivity, automated quantitation

Why adeno-associated virus processes need high sensitivity, automated quantitation

Understanding challenges in AAV titer

Understanding challenges in AAV titer

The promise of CAR-T therapy in cancer treatment

The promise of CAR-T therapy in cancer treatment

Advances in the development of antibody production

Advances in the development of antibody production

The importance of recombinant antibody production in drug discovery

The importance of recombinant antibody production in drug discovery

Control mammalian cell cultivations in the biopharmaceutical industry

Control mammalian cell cultivations in the biopharmaceutical industry

How to get accurate glucose monitoring

How to get accurate glucose monitoring

Analyze cell growth in bioreactors

Analyze cell growth in bioreactors

An introduction to cell engineering in picodroplets

An introduction to cell engineering in picodroplets

The best practices to enhance cell line development

The best practices to enhance cell line development

Fast track antibodies: Identifying and isolating rare antibody-secreting cells effectively

Fast track antibodies: Identifying and isolating rare antibody-secreting cells effectively